Oct 134
WOW what a fun day today fishing off the coast of Fort Lauderdale.
We set out fishing with John his wife Brook their daughter Ella and last but by all means not lease their son Easton.
They came down from Knoxville Tenn. however they happen to be natives of South Florida and they miss going out fishing for some Mahi Mahi.
So we all decided to go for it and heck yea the right choice was made once we got to about 800 feet of water sure enough the fish showed up and we started catching.
Now truth being told here I’ve got to take a second once again (JOHN WHAT ARE YOU THINKINH!!) LOL while John was fighting this 30 plus pounder he stopped to put Easton on his lap to let him try to help and yep you guessed it fish got away.
John thanks again you and your family was a blast to fish with and we are looking forward to our next trip together.
Captain Taco 954-764-4344 tacohookedup@aolo.com