Today Capt. Greg and Taylor started the day with another 6 hour trip. Since the trolling bite has been great the past week they went straight to it. Within no time they had multiple Blackfin Tuna on the line. After about 10 tunas they wanted to try to catch something big so they went out to deeper water putting some big dead bates as well as some live baits. It took about 45 minutes before the bottom rod doubled over and started screaming out drag. The battle took about 50 minutes beforeĀ the 9 foot trophy Hammerhead Shark was landed. Congratulations guys on a fantastic day aboard the Hooked Up.
The Hooked Up 2 had a afternoon trip with Dan and his co-workers. Having some experience fishing Dan wanted to go straight to whatever technique gave them the most action. They went straight to trolling and the bite was still on. They had immediate action catching a few Bonitas and a lot of Blackfin Tunas. About half way through the trip our plainer rod went off and Dan caught a 20lb Wahoo. The afternoon was just what they asked for full of action and excitement. It was great having you guys today and we hope to see you again real soon.