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Finally the winds have calmed down and it’s back to deep-sea fishing off the coast of Fort Lauderdale.
Today we had Kolton and 4 of his best friends down from Michigan to celebrate Kolton’s birthday! Everyone got to the boat this morning a little disappointed due to the Detroit Lions losing to the Buffalo Bills on Monday night football. A few beers later and now on a boat the mood soon changed.

It was still a bit choppy today with the waves 4 to 5 foot but far apart witch makes it much more fishable. We got out to about 200 feet of water and set out 2 kites with 2 live baits suspended from each kite along with 1 bait down deep with a little lead to keep it down. It did not take long when all of a sudden we had a sailfish dancing all over the place right behind the charter boat. it took a second after looking at all 4 kites baits witch looked fine till we realized he ate the deep bait!

RATS @%#^*% jumped him off but than as we were setting the deep bait back out we seen a mahi mahi eating our left long bait and than another one eating the right long bait. We managed to get 1 of 2 in the boat. Quickly set the kite baits back out there and BAM 2 more Mahi and once again1 out of 2 in the boat.
(Fishing hours of boredom interrupted by moments of chaos)

deep sea fishing fort lauderdaleWe stayed in the area for a while more with no bites so in came the kites and we moved in shallow about 105 feet of water over a ship wreck.
It turned out to be a good move we only had 2 baits in the water at this point when another sailfish popped up and the fight was on.
Kolton jumped on the rod and after a good 25 min fight Kolton got his fish to the side of the boat.
After some hand shaking and some high fiving we went fight back to the same spot and within minutes anther sailfish jumping all over the place BUT this time sailfish won after a few jumps he m an aged to spit the hook.

All in all it was a great few hours of fishing off the coast of Fort Lauderdale and on a side note out of 48 beers that came out with these guys I think 10 made it back to the dock!!

Thanks guys we had a ball fishing with you and looking forward to fishing again. Tight Lines! Capt. Taco