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David and Michael finally catch a sailfish off Fort Lauderdale

By January 23, 2014Fort Lauderdale Fishing

Today we fished with David and Michael from parts unknown.

We started out trolling but trolling was slow so we switched to kite fishing along with a bait on the bottom.

At first it was the bottom bait that paid off for us when an Amoco Jack took the bait.

Ok not a giant fish but fishing was slow so we were happy to get the bite.

Than all of a sudden a sailfish showed up and everything changed for the better. After a good 20 min battle David finally reeled in this big sailfish and we all lived happily ever after. (LOL)

Thanks again guys. Like we kept saying it only takes a second!!

Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) SEA-4344