I mean all 3 guys were first class and to make matters even better I was also fishing with my son Lou who I don’t get to fish with often because he runs one of our boats while I run another.
We ran to the south and set out the anchor in about 110 feet of water just upstream of a structure.
(If you want to know what structure you’ll have to charter us it’s a secret)
Anyways we set out a chum bag it only took a couple minutes till the ballyhoo showed up along with a host of other baitfish.
Everyone took turns on different poles a couple were down on the bottom a couple were just flat lines running out behind the boat some had live baits some dead baits and we all just kept switching it up.
Truth being told here WE HAD A BLAST I mean all of us laughing catching fish and having a few cold ones.
An 8 hour trip went by so fast.
I wish we could show all of our anglers such a fun time fishing off Fort Lauderdale.
Manny Daniel and Booker thanks again looking very forward to our next adventure.
Folks enjoy the pictures and by the way while you are seeing Mutton Snappers Yellow Tail snappers Black grouper their was a bunch more we had to release due to be 1 inch under size (RATS)